Sunday, September 4, 2011

Closer to the Heart of All-Troubled Personages the went and made Big Trouble under CHAOS all-Apocalyptocizing/Arrational Eschato-logism/Mythologized

"I gave you people clear cut proofs and if any one want to be saves just accept Islam other wise you will be burning in hell ."-person I could most sincerely hope was just a troll but couldn't help but not suspect a bit of some different kind of skull-dugged bullshittery of

I see, simply accept that most totalitarian of spiritual slaveries (religio, to bind, religion, bound, bonds-people, slaves), or simply commit one's whole capacity to act, the entirety of their reason, and the whole passion of their volition unto an eternally burning infernal sovereignty populated by all manner of diabolical persons hellishly bent of the capture, ravaging, rape, assassination, and annihilation of all egos.

It's not as though some of us haven't already had a hard choosing and gone down crooked roadways and made commitments of loyalty towards certain endings.

Luckily, not all of us have made our way in life in such manner as places certainty above wisdom, peacefulness over vitality, faith over and against all contradicting inspiration.

I dislike many labels that have been attached to my person over the years, usually because I quarrel with the definitions of certain titles. I have a question, though, to anyone with an answer...what womanish person of this world is so much like a "witchly" shade of otherwordly song and legend that she finds herself so self-possessed of so much a fiery and vengeful spirituality that she must either burn against a tree until she screaming dies or must instead throw fire and vengeance against the civilization that she was originally most alienated from?

How many so woman-ish, self-possessed persons do you think live in this world, in your own country, amongst your own neighbors? It wouldn't take many, and never has, to cause quite a bit of ungodly ghastly troubles for others. I would hope that we all strive to some form of euthanasia, whether our dying be in peace or I deaths be violent or the purposes of our actions valorous.

It's rarely a diversion to have to make one's own decisions, but almost never are our choices actually "black vs. white, Satan vs. the Divinities, goodness vs. suffering/sufferance".

I can't deny a bit of admiration for practical Muslims and Muslimahs (those that are most practiced, more perfected) into the disciplines of their own choosing. I could also have some sense of appreciation for the austerity of their specific type of extreme-fidelity-unto-imagined-Ideal-towards-higher-works-of-greater-godliness. In fact, amongst all the types of Mono-theisms there is definitely one that always come across to me as much more the "temptress" and least the "adversary" among alien and hated banners, at least for me. That is most embodied in some of what I find the very peculiar pieties and iconic religiosity of Islam. Of the peculiar pieties, head-covering and embodied prayerfulness (all that kneeling and standing among many of the masses) and occassionally esctatic whirling type of dance-like, tranced though artful type of performance best embodied by the "Dervish" who are at least in some part devoted unto the study and deeper understandings of certain scriptural texts and peculiar spiritual ideations outside the Q'uran itself.
At other times, I marveled both at the concept of a Supreme Unitive Godhead so utterly authoritative that it passed a ban on every possible conceivable type of idolatry or 'devotion unto earthly images of carnal bestial forms nor of heavenly ghostings and ghastly spirits'... and most DEFINITELY not rivalling imagined Deities that presumed to be a similar type but after a different mannerism as "ALLAH"

That has been a curse upon those kingdoms that have come under thrall of that peculiar idea of supreme and singular unity of the concepts of "law" and "divinity" which could only look so much like a "God-the-Father-of-all-Fuckups-unto-all-Fatality" as say, "Bible-God."
And then there's the Q'uran, of course, the received mouthings of some particular personage that has found the authority to by some means declare the words that escepe their mouths "THE very true most specified words of THAT deity which is ALL Divinity"...that's where some boundaries must absolutely be drawn and others brutally transgressed. Some reasonable boundaries are obviously apparent by virtue of their good reasoning, inherent integrity, honorable activity, greater wisdom and/or wiser ways of connecting with the world around us and strangest of very self-ish core that I would best prefer to describe as the instinctual "heart" of the natural human species. We are undeniably the species on Earth most inclined to the greatest capacities of intellection and imagination that the planet has, according to all knowledge available to us ever produced.

And one thing that I simply cannot help but wonder, as I can't begin to understand how anyone could not, if they have come to an understanding of the historicity behind the text and the histories attached to it, this one thing.
Why is it remotely important if the God is a "real type of the only possible type of real deity"?

Isn't it infinitely more interesting, terrible, fruitful, yielding deeper comtempletive understandings and greater heights mindfulness to begin asking more reasonable questions about the texts with quite possibly very fascinating answers? How the fuck was it actually "received..." It is important, quite important to remember that it is very efficacious in just about all aspects for just this type of prophet to be a smart-allecky illiterate. All "Prophets" are pretty much punks and smart-allecks that have made very specific sorts of annunciation under only impossible to believe endlessly impassible unto Reason types of circumstances and they have a hidden counterpart that is very 'shadowy' in personage but makes, for all intents and purpose, every god-damned difference that could ever matter. What is the strange relationship of the hidden scribe to invocatory or divinely intoxicated person? The prophet-type is most usually illiterate, socially transgressive, possessed of some inaccessible stream of weird and babbling words as could only be dazzling to have heard performanced and enticing to enshrine somehow, the words of the prophet after death. Do notice some striking similarties, in the epics attributed to gods of wisdom and the biographical epics of certain prophets. They tend to get assassinated or made eternally captive unto death before "everyone realizes" they were "the rightest all the time"...

The scribing-typistry and dextrous artistries of Script that belong to the scribes of gods and their epics make literally ALL the difference, here. Though held in high regard among the faithful, perhaps for the sake of it, is a person who bears almost no criticism, and is afforded the assumption of saintly mantles after death, quite often. Now that's an inter-textuality of almost sexual intimacy and most tantalizing intimation. One worth the pain of getting to the bottom of the obscure pathway that most connects the visible insanity of the "annunciations" to the heartfelt mournful strains of the "worshipful." Just what the fuck is going on about that?
I can't answer questions like those with any ease, certainly, or with reliance on merely rationality and historicity. Some otherly machinations seem to connect those worshipful mourning, the most obscure scribes of all-occulted raving, and very strange and later dubbed (much later than scribes often begin the scribbling) are indentified as "Perfections of Virtue," "Redeemers unto Greatest Wisdom", or, more mystically speaking, "Perfect Hearts." So oft-despised in their lifetime and so late-unto-their-own-greatness, it is easy to imagine that these people are somehow "doing the timing thing differently" of have some special access to some "it" of which the rest of us are simply incapable of bringing into our own awareness. Reasons are plentiful not to try to do anything like that at all, fact they are bountiful...and yet enough people find it so hard to either stay away from one thing and must always bow and bend towards another thing and yet neither of things present in anywise a middling way between their polarized extremes. So-called "sacred literature" appears to present the qualities and properties of that "Heart-ness" of those mysterious "Hearts" who perfected the vitality in them that it became the Magnum Opus of some Fellows and a Great Work/Great Apology and Righteous Sufferance unto their familial and soulful Hierarchies, the Cults. Let us consider a "Cultus" an organized body of those particular souls that have made Contract unto some Covenant. Souls of faithful persons too weak to have found a path through their own hearts without somehow making bargain and exchanges for the "SOUL" that was within their hearted-ness. Maybe that's how they did it the whole time. They never sold anything in the first place in expectation toward stupid ends, but held unto something that eventually burst forth unto endless streams of tearfullness and endless wells of bloodiness.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ex-Chantings Toward the Greater Liberatrix "The Gram-Noire/Grand Nox""

That Essence of Verity with Insight into Self
Which "ist" is Thou and whose "Is-ms"
Arteth all Perfections unto Mindfulness...

That Resistance in the Fleshly/Creative cores of Iron
A Counter against all Dis-eases and Most Faithfully Miss-Trusful of all Eu-stresses...

That Causes all the Goodliness in the All-of-Verses in the Soul of this Terrain

Most Down-Trodded...


Gives no avail but births in every Tragic frailty

So "Other" yet so "Worlded"

as might-could-be and must-best-forumulate untowards/in words

An Otherworldly Utterance

That so "Othered" yet so "Wyrdish"

Utter Worldlines Matter/Idealizing

Transgressions of most focused Volatility

Those Confessions with Lugosity so Lovely

Their Speech could not but be

That Being


The queerest amongst all kindred that must become

They most Fey-like Presence of Cunt-ry so Fated

A Sidhe<.>mallian Fleshing of such Cunning Serpent's most carnal vocations

The Greatest Possible Redemption Unto No Savior


The Aeon of All-Hell-Breaks-Loose

Age of the Auto-Maatic Mostly Magestical of all Mantics

The RagnoRocks Rolling in under Moons of all May-ness

That Kingdom Under Paradise

And By the Embryonic Dynamo Erotica

A Hallowcaust is Visioned



Hyper-Rational Contradictatorship of All Worlds

Shade of LUX

A Be-deviled Blackness

So Self-Possessed of such Soulful Wisdom

Whose Watchtower is Sovereignty

Queerest Witchly Queenling

Whose Kingship under Paradise is most like unto

a HEL.

Friday, September 2, 2011

It doesn't matter if it's really all that true...

Because some ideas are so inherently offensive to such immaterial things that their contemplation for too long could only but eventually break down into it's fundamental essential components of absurdity and annihilation.

Chihuahuas as "The New Pit Bulls" is, to my complete satisfaction, definitely one of those un-slayable un-dead too-funny to be entirely "true" but it can't help but get certain things done.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Babalonian Imperative

Several eddies of discourse here on S.I.N. have led me to post this-an exploration of something I call the Babalonian Imperative. It is a pervasive attitude within Satanism and sister philosophies that can be defined in at least three ways: }As an aesthetic dominating the portrayal and conception of the feminine, women, and female sexuality }As a complex set of expectations (not entirely derivative of LaVey or his writings) fixated upon the disposition, behavior, roles, and associated symbolism assigned to women who align themselves with the Demonic or with the Left Hand Path. This also, as do all three attempted definitions, applies to goddesses frequently or historically associated with the Underworld, chaos, death, or who were directly adversarial to mankind. This is so because these goddesses are literary wells into which have percolated the collective dreams, terrors, and striving that a given culture has attached to certain feminine objects. These goddesses are shaped by and in turn exerted their influence over the women and civilizations that worshiped and did battle with them. }As a transparent conceit about the (supposed) Nature of being female and the consequential ritualism and illusive artistry that is "femininity." The Babalonian Imperative insists that Satanic women, to a lesser degree Thelemite and to an even lesser extent Neopagan women embody, to the best of their ability, the iconic Scarlet Woman conjured by Aleister Crowley in a fragmented blur of ancient mythology and repressed Victorian angst. She is advised to appear not only sexy but a "whore," and observe post-1960s sexual and gender protocol as if it was carved into the fucking pyramids. She is expected to need sex, as though it were water or the written word, to want it often, and to be good at it. Almost never does this movement celebrate the superb evolutionary chisel that is a woman's power to deny access to her sexuality as much as yield herself to the procreative instinct. Female humans were some of the first primates ever to develop the capacity for resisting an instinct-in this case the urge to have sex while ovulating. The beneficial inheritance of this adaptation to our species is incalculable. For the first time, a male had to truly convince a female to mate with him, not merely defeat his competitors in battle or have a sufficiently attractive and eye-catching member or plume. You might be surprised how many artists keep at it every day in hopes of finally landing some pussy again tonight. There are other distorted assumptions that accompany the Babalonian Imperative. One is that every "Scarlet Woman" or "slut" one encounters is acting in the spirit of pleasure, self-fulfillment, Satanic liberation-or liberation at all. There is no correlation between skin on display and a deep feeling of inner self worth, of confidence in one's inherent beauty and power. The reverse of this distortion states that women who do not "present" in the stereotypical way are not properly Satanic, are not "liberated," or must obviously suffer from sexual hang-ups, fears, deficiencies, or dysfunction. Because clearly, if you really wanted to teach cattle of humanity a lessen about female independence, just flash some titties-that oughta cover it. These assumptions and distortions cannot properly be addressed without accepting a simple fact: that a woman's sexuality simply does not empower her in the way that class and cash have consistently functioned as the supposed "male equivalent." He has the money, she has the sex, they make an exchange, so what's the big scheme? Here's the big scheme, ladies. Sexual attractiveness is different than other types of capital. It doesn't tend to appreciate value with time, as monetary and institutional investments have a tendency of doing. By the time you both are 60, he's probably sitting on a hell of a lot more cash than he married you with, but are you just as sexy? This isn't meant to hurt anyone's feelings, just to illuminate the "exchange fallacy," as I'll call it here. And another thing-the more women a man wines, dines, assists, etc. the higher the collective opinion of women in his community is likely to be of him. Does this hold true if a woman sleeps with as many men as she can? Does it work for her like holding every woman's door works for a man? This small disclaimer will be necessary, I feel, but I won't dwell on the point. I'm not anti-sex or even anti-slut. The Thelemite and other literature concerning Babalon is a worthy element of that tradition, which preceded modern Satanism in many respects. I called this meme an "imperative" largely for polemic reasons, because there is no such imperative as presented to a truly Satanic woman. Its distortive quality remains, however, and deserves treatment.

Neither an Atheist Nor a Theist Until I Can Think of Something More Foolish Sounding To Call Myself

So God is dead, but what can be done with his garments and bones? I am continually asked to identify myself according to the binary poles of "theist" and "atheist" as though these are the only two legitimate dialogues through which divinity may be approached. I am, for all practical purposes, an atheist, but I suspect that most atheists turn a worrisome eye on my decor, for instance. Let us suppose that a third option exists, what might it look like? Option 1 [Theism]: Divinity, understood as God or Gods, is independent of and superior to the human imagination. Option 2 [Atheism]: The genesis of God or Gods in the human imagination is always the consequence of either fraud or folly. Option 3: As artifacts of the human imagination, these characters take on their most interesting and relevant forms when treated as just that. I will leave this short post with a question: How many of us, on close examination, actually fall into one of the first two categories? Not that there's anything wrong with that....;-)

[5] Things Satanists Could Use From the Non-Clerical Episco/Papacy of Discordia

*"We Discordians should stick apart!": On a scale of Wicca to drama-free, the votaries of Eris have us beat-hands down. Why could this be? The more closely-knit a community, the more that peer and mentor relationships tend to moderate and maintain homogeneity among its adherents. Both Satanism and its dotty great-aunt Discordianism benefit from the opposite tactic. It is this sound advice that gives rise to the tradition that all Discordian popes undertake as their first papal action the excommunication of all other Discordian popes and momes.

*Although it is very good and wise to hold serious reservations about the existence of Deity, it is equally good and wise to entertain the possibility, especially when faced with the problems of theodicy, that god is a crazy woman. *Both religion and humor are attempts to negotiate the mind-rending alienation and misery of the human condition and are excellent antidotes to the most horrible of life's pains-boredom. Religion and comedy are both born in pain, one seeks to escape or ameliorate that pain through its own means, but comedy approaches what is painful with an intimate smirk.

*The care and keeping of mythology is our responsibility. In the good ole' days, stone idols were dressed and made up continuously, as the ancients understood that devotion literally fed their gods, who would wither and die without it. The story of the Great Snub need not compete with the Illiad.

*Anarchy and advanced bureaucracy are phases of one renewing cycle, and the natural forces of entropy are sufficient to topple any tyrant.


NO GODS, NO MASTERS- these are words that once belonged only to a woman named Emma Goldman...they had a meaning to that woman and have made such sense to such an otherly woman herself that they may one day come to have meant something very much like:

No Redemption to Soulfullness through Piety, No Redeemers to Soulfullness through the Monkly Muckedly Monkeyish practices of earthly so-called "Masters of the Living Game"

No Priests but Shamans, No Priestesses but Oracles

No Pious Women but Authentic Witches, No Pious Men but Authentic Magicians

No Marriage Between Virgins, No Virgins Below their own most appropriate Age of Reason

No Tao But That Greatest Austerity of Greatest Possible Satanity

That Essence Which Must Always Be Unspeakable

Those were words that must always belong to a woman now named whose whole name could only mean something so much like that it must sound at least a little like "That House of Godliness Whose Middle Name is Grace and is Descended from a Long Line of Ferrous Little Men"